Upcoming Events: Services and Dialogue Group

Mark your calendars!

I am excited about the growing number of people across Turtle Island, who are organizing Shabbat dinner gatherings to stream our innovative approach to Shabbat services in small communities (Chavurah/regional hubs). Therefore, due to poular request, a TIME CHANGE: starting in December, our services will begin 45 minutes later than previously advertised. Please use this updated schedule. 

Whether you are joining as an individual or a group, we are excited to have you!!! Services are open to all: Jews and those who find Judaism meaningful! Whether you believe in G!d or you don’t… whether you are a fan of organized religion or not, I do my best to make them as accessible and “low-barrier” as possible. Services are primarily in English and all Hebrew is translated/transliterated. More importantly, I work to translate the ancestral teachings of the Torah and Talmud and Kabbalah into something that is trauma-informed and aligns with therapeutic principles and social justice values, and reflects my commitment to neurodecolonization and healing. The goal is to destress and find enough insight or peace or solace from community, tradition, music and meditation that we can recover from the week and experience a sense of Light that can help us prepare for Shabbat/rest.

The Chavurah Collective which includes Reform Judaism in Atlantic Canada: Decolonizing Judaism in Mi’kma’ki and Beyond as well as Kol Israel Community of Kentucky has several upcoming virtual events:

November 24th, 6PM Atlantic (5PM Eastern/6:30PM NFLD): Shabbat Service of song, meditation and healing. Please register for the link.

December 8th,  6:45PM Atlantic (5:45PM Eastern/7:15PM NFLD): Shabbat and Hanukkah Services. Please register for the link.

December 13th, 7PM Atlantic (6PM Eastern/7:30 PM NFLD). Turtle Island Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue group. Fight the growing divisiveness! Join people of all religions and no religion in dialogue and connection. Bring a quote or a poem about HOPE to share. Please use this Zoom link provided by our partner Interfaith Paths to Peace.

January 10th, 7PM Atlantic (6PM Eastern/7:30 PM NFLD). Turtle Island Interfaith and Intercultural Dialogue group. Fight the growing divisiveness! Join people of all religions and no religion in dialogue and connection. Bring a quote or a poem about HOPE to share. Please use this Zoom link provided by Interfaith Paths to Peace: https://zoom.us/s/9847872987

January 19th,  6:45PM Atlantic (5:45PM Eastern/7:15PM NFLD). Shabbat Service of song, meditation and healing. Please register for the link.

Please contact me if you are interested in getting involved in the leadership of this new approach to creating Jewish community. We will begin some organizing meetings in 2024 (insh’Allah/im yirtzeh Hashem/may we be so blessed/ptooey! ptooey! ptooey!).