Erev Yom Kippur: Kol Nidrei

Abiding gratitude to all who requested a copy of tonight’s service and to all who sent so many lovely notes of appreciation for the Rosh Hashanah morning service. Given how many requests I have received from folks who had family obligations and were unable to attend, I recorded tonight’s service. I am therefore posting for those who wished they had been with us, and for those who are curious about what a decolonizing approach to Judaism might feel like, or even just curious about Judaism, or who are just needing to do some healing and forgiveness spiritual work, or for any other reason.

If anyone wishes to join us in the morning, please register for the Zoom link. We will begin Monday morning, September 25th at 10AM Atlantic (9AM Eastern Time/10:30 AM NFLD) and continue all the way through… we will likely end before sundown… and all are welcome to spend those remaining hours (or the whole day :-)) doing something that will nourish your heart and soul. Ultimately, the goal of our approach to Yom Kippur is to transform “atonement” into “at-One-ment“: how can we heal from the pain, hatred and violence of this world? and how can we reimagine Judaism so that it reflects our hopes for the future, not just the trauma from our past. How can our intergeneration legacy of trauma be transformed into a healing empathy that inspires us to align with other marginalized and oppressed people so that, together, we can become a United Force for Love, Justice and Unity.

Please register for the Zoom link for tomorrow morning if you would like to join us live by clicking here:

Erev Yom Kippur Kol Nidrei Service: Reform Judaism in Atlantic Canada (Decolonizing Judaism in Unceded Mi’kma’ki and Beyond)