Passover Seder: 5784 Edition

Tonight, from across the world, we had folks from multiple continents joining our seder, some from their sofas and others streaming to a full room. Tonight was the two year anniversary of the birth of my virtual community, and so it was especially meaningful to me as I am finally begin to discern the direction in which I hope it will grow (more on that in a later post). For the article in the Canadian Jewish News and the podcast introducing us two years ago, please click here.

So many of you wrote me asking me to record the seder because you were hoping to listen to it for second night, due to your needing to attend other family events. I was especially touched by those of you who said that you were saving this seder as your “detox seder”. So, I recorded it and am posting it here with my wishes and prayers for a Passover seder filled with liberating blessings. It is created with love and trauma-informed principles, with music and meditation and progressive values. It is intentionally non-partisan to ensure that everyone can join, and in recognizing the Talmudic principle: “Elu v’elu divrei Elohim Chayim: These and these are both words of the Living G!d/G!d of Life”. When we are liberated from the false binary constraints of this world (good/bad etc) then we will experience G!d’s Presence everywhere.

This seder is intentionally focused on internal healing and liberation, recognizing that we are the seed of the Tree of Life that G!d is hoping will be planted in this world if we choose soil that is fertile and grow roots in such a way that the world around us begins to flourish… It is however striking to me that this seder (adapted with not much change from the one I created two years ago, and grounded in the seder prayers of the Haggadah of our people for hundreds and hundreds of years (except for the translation into English/updated language etc) has so much that is so deeply relevant to our current upside down world. This brings me such hope and comfort in knowing that, despite everything that has changed in the world, what has remained consistent is that which liberates…

May this seder and this Passover be the start of our liberation and healing…