Shabbat Service for Omer #25

Tonight is the 25th day of the Omer, which corresponds to the “netzach of netzach” or the victory over victory. True victory lies in decolonizing the idea of victory, to realize that winning requires someone else to lose. The Hebrew word netzach does not just mean victory but also Eternity/that which endures. Colonial concepts of winning tends to focus on the here and now, which is part of the urgency culture of this world that causes us to always be anxious. Recalibrating our mindset to that which is enduring, and thinking about the generations to come: this is the big “heavenly win” that brings healing and holiness.

Tonight and throughout Shabbat, let us refocus and realign ourselves with Indigenous wisdom of thinking about the seven generations that came before us (lest we take things to personally) or the seven generations still to come (that we may be good stewards of this planet and vessels for healing). This corresponds to the Hebrew teaching of “l’dor va’dor” which requires us to recognize that we are all but links in a chain of generations: may we be vessels of healing Light.

I talk about this and how it relates to our Torah portion during tonight’s Shabbat Service which I am posting here by popular request for those folks that had conflicts or were running late or had technical glitches. May this Shabbat bring shalom: a full and complete healing and peace for all who live.