Upcoming events and a note about my blog

Dear Blog Readers,

Often I write a blog, and then new information or insights or reflections cause me to update it. Sometimes, I notice a typo and I go to fix it. Sometimes I write a blog and then “sleep on it” and awaken with a whole set of new insights, and edit it further. I have previously written about this phenomenon, and the ways in which I reflect on this process as an example of my evolving humanity. I have definitely continued to change and update my thoughts on so much, including even my identity and name… in the same way as our skin sheds, so I believe that it is healthy to keep updating our beliefs and assumptions, and continually revisiting our thoughts and ideas, that we can keep learning and unlearning, so that we do not stagnate, for that is one of the many ways we burn out.

Colonization teaches perfectionism. This ensures that we remain constantly anxious and insecure, easy to manipulate and dissociated from our deepest knowing Self. As a person of faith, I consider the quest for perfection to be a form of idolatry. Part of this year’s healing neurodecolonizing journey to become myself, instead of who the world wants me to be, has been to stop trying to fit myself into someone else’s idea of who I am supposed to be, or try to be perfect, or anything other than who I was created to be. Embracing imperfection is liberating and healing, especially as I embrace the gifts and challenges of my neurodiversity. I have blogged about this previously and will again, but for now, just wanted to explain the context of this particular blog post.

My editing and changing of my blogs means that much of what I write may continue to evolve, as my thoughts have definitely changed and updated (thankfully!). So some of my blogs may get updated on my website (although I have also decided to leave several as is, to show my evolution of my thoughts). My point is that you may not always have the most recent one if you are reading it as a subscriber, which is to say, as an email in your inbox, unless you click to read it on your web browser. When I update a blog you don’t know about it.

That is not such a big deal except for theUpcoming Events” blog that I keep pinned to the top of my website. What this means is that many of you email me asking about upcoming services and events. I am therefore writing to share these and also let you know that you can always go to my website (www.rabbinadia.com) to find out when my next Shabbat service is, or better yet, follow my much more regular (almost daily) posts on the Reform Judaism in Atlantic Canada Facebook page.

This is why, after just updating the “Upcoming Events” blog, I am also sharing these here for you to be able to keep in your files, because several of you have reached out to ask. I try to keep everything in one place, because I am doing lots of different things and they are under different auspices, like last night, when I helped to facilitate the Queer Interfaith Coalition’s first national Pride Service.. I am hoping that this post is helpful and can also serve as an invitation for those of you who say: “I don’t live in Atlantic Canada” or “I am not Jewish”, will I still be welcome? The answer is: YES! I hope to see you all online (if you are interested!). No pressure if you are not!

Because I am writing this on Friday evening, before the sun sets, I wish you all a blessed Shabbat of rest and restoration, that you may find renewed strength to do the sacred work you feel called to do to make this world a better place than you found it. Choose to do at least one thing that will bring you joy!!! This is how Rebbe Nachman taught we can heal ourselves from the brokenness of this world.

Upcoming Shabbat Services and Other Virtual Events

Everyone is invited to come to any of the events that I am organizing and they are almost all virtual, and in mostly English. If you are interested in my coming to your community or facilitating a special online service or lifecycle event, please email me! Here is the current list, and please note that I update this list regularly.

Tuesday, June 11th, 6PM-7PM Atlantic (5PM Eastern/6:30PM NFLD). Monthly Virtual Decolonizing Judaism Spirituality Discussion and Meditation Group. This one will focus on the theme of Shavuot. Please email me for the Zoom link. These are participatory and not recorded and the next ones will be: July 9th and August 13th.

Wednesday, June 12th at 6AM Atlantic (5AM Eastern/6:30 AM NFLD) I will be teaching a special educational session on “decolonizing Tikkkun Leil Shavuot” as part of the Rabbis for Ceasefire Global Teach-In All Night Study-a-thon. To learn more, click here. To register, click here.

Friday, June 14th, 6:45 PM Atlantic (5:45PM Eastern/7:15 PM NFLD). Sabbath Service of music and meditation. Please register for the link: https://urj.tfaforms.net/1492

● Tuesday, July 9th, 6PM-7PM Atlantic (5PM Eastern/6:30PM NFLD). Monthly Virtual Decolonizing Judaism Spirituality Discussion and Meditation Group. Please email me for the Zoom link. These are participatory and not recorded.

● Friday, July 19th, 6:45 PM Atlantic (5:45PM Eastern/7:15 PM NFLD). Sabbath Service of music and meditation. Please register for the link: https://urj.tfaforms.net/1515

Friday, July 26th, Kjipuktuk (=Halifax) Interfaith Pride Service (stay tuned for more information!). This will be in person and there will likely be other in person events!

Friday, August 9th, 6:45 PM Atlantic (5:45PM Eastern/7:15 PM NFLD). Sabbath Service of music and meditation. Please register for the link: https://urj.tfaforms.net/1515

Tuesday, August 13th, 6PM-7PM Atlantic (5PM Eastern/6:30PM NFLD). Monthly Virtual Decolonizing Judaism Spirituality Discussion and Meditation Group. Please email me for the Zoom link. These are participatory and not recorded.

More about my New Monthly Jewish Spirituality Study and Discussion Group 

Starting Tuesday, MAY 14th, 6PM Atlantic (5PM Eastern/6:30 PM NFLD), and on the second Tuesday of the month thereafter, join the Light Seekers, a new virtual monthly spirituality study and discussion group, focusing upon Hasidic teachings, and integrating psychotherapeutic principles, decolonizing/postmodern/queer theory to discuss concrete ways to integrate Jewish spiritual practices into our lives. Each session will conclude with a brief guided meditation. To learn more and get the Zoom link, email me!

To learn more about the Queer interfaith coalition that Rabbi Siritsky helped to start: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/queer-interfaith-coalition-1.7164245

Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more events soon! Follow Reform Judaism in Atlantic on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083117031820&mibextid=kFxxJD

Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more!